

Chiulo - Angola

Davy, 30, has a kind smile and a curious look. He came to Chiulo about a year and a half ago from Lubango, Angola. A recent graduate, he was hired by the hospital and assigned to the Maternity Department. Whenever there is a patient in severe conditions, he stays the night to watch over and monitor her progress, together with the nurse on duty. During this time, he has learned how to handle complicated cases, do ultrasounds, do sutures, after practising with chicken breasts! Davy’s dedication, empathy towards patients, and eagerness to learn and get involved are evident. His decision to continue his studies and become a gynaecologist is a testament to his determination and ambition. His story is one that resonates with many young Africans, who, like him, are striving to make a difference in their communities.

“There are still
incurable diseases,
but there are no
incurable children”
Pope Francis